
Primary Keys are very usually auto-incrementing integers or Guid. Unfortunately, many domains need much more than that. Primary keys are not defined as single column but just as unique. Sooner rather than later you'll find your self in the need for composite primary keys. When using composite keys, it is very useful being able to apply equality functions to key values. Actually, NHibernate requires composite keys to override equality members (Equals and GetHashCode). This article is about making the process of implementing equality functions painless.


  1. The Model
  2. Automatic Equality Functions
  3. Using the Code
  4. Statistics
  5. Conclusions
  6. Helpful Links

The Model

Let's take a look at the following Domain.

<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" 
	<class name="Product"> 
		<id name="Id" column="ProductId">
			<generator class="identity"/>
		<property name="Name"/> 
	<class name="Category"> 
		<id name="Id" column="CategoryId"> 
			<generator class="identity"/> 
		<property name="Name"/> 

	<class name="CategoryProducts"> 
		<composite-id name="Key"> 
			<key-property name="ProductId"/> 
			<key-property name="CategoryId"/> 
		<property name="CustomDescription"/>
Code Excerpt 1: NHibernate mapping for sample Domain.

In previous code a 3 entities Domain is defined. Product and Category need no explanation. CategoryProducts, in the other hand, does. If you are experienced with NHibernate, you'd probably use a collection within both Product and Category to represent many-to-many relationships. I prefer to leave my POCOs clear of relationships, but that's me. For the sake of this example, we're going to use this mapping the way I would do it in real life. Let's now take a look at the POCOs.

    	public class Category 
		public virtual int Id { get; set; } 
		public virtual string Name { get; set; } 
	public class Product 
		public virtual int Id { get; set; } 
		public virtual string Name { get; set; } 
Code Excerpt 2: Simple POCOs. Product and Category
    	public class CategoryProducts 
		public CategoryProducts() 
			Key = new CategoryProductsKey() ; 

		public virtual CategoryProductsKey Key { get; set; } 
		public virtual int ProductId 
			get { return Key.ProductId ;} 
			set { Key.ProductId = value ; } 
		public virtual int CategoryId 
			get { return Key.CategoryId;} 
			set { Key.CategoryId = value ;} 
		public virtual string CustomDescription { get;set;} 
Code Excerpt 3: No so simple POCO.

CategoryProducts uses a composite key with 2 fields, one references Product the other, Category. NHibernate forces to override equality member in composite keys types. Now let's take a look at the key implementation.

        	public class CategoryProductsKey
		public int ProductId { get; set; }
		public int CategoryId { get; set; }

		public override in GetHashCode()
			return ProductId ^ CategoryId ;

		public override Equals(object x)
			return Equals(x as CategoryProductsKey) ;
		public bool Equals(CategoryProductsKey x)
			return x != null && x.ProductId == ProductId &&
				x.CategoryId == CategoryId ;
Code Excerpt 4: Composite key implementation.

As you can see, equality members implementation has been very simple. Actually is extremely straight forward in most cases.

Automatic Equality Functions

Let's now formally (C#) define a straightforward equality implementation for composite key.

 	public bool AreEqual(TKey x, TKey)
		var result = true ;

	 	foreach(var property in typeof(TKey).GetProperties(All))
			result &= object.Equals(property.GetValue(x), property.GetValue(y));

		return result ;
Code Excerpt 5: Straightforward Equals implementation.

A couple of optimizations could be done, but right now they are not important.

 	public in GetHashCode(TKey x)
		var getHashCodeMethod = typeof(object).GetMethod("GetHashCode") ;
		var result = 0;

		foreach(var property in typeof(TKey).GetProperties(All))
			return ^= getHashCodeMethod(property.GetValue(x));

		return result ;
Code Excerpt 6: Straightforward GetHashCode implementation.

Using the code

Got the idea, right?? What we're gonna do now is to encapsulate this definition in a class. This class would generate equality functions, clients later would be able to use to compare composite keys. Using it would look just like:

 	var o1 = new TKey { P1 = v11, P2 = v21, P3 = v31 } ;
	var o2 = new TKey { P1 = v21, P2 = v22, P3 = v33 } ;

	Func<TKey, TKey, bool> AreEquals = EqualityFunctionsGenerator<TKey>.CreateEqualityComparer();
	var r = AreEquals(o1, o2) ; // would work as expected

	Func<TKey, int> GetHashCode = EqualityFunctionsGenerator<TKey>.CreateGetHashCode();

	var c1 = GetHashCode(o1) ;
	var c2 = GetHashCode(o2) ;
Code Excerpt 7: Using automatically generated functions.

You could think of thousand of uses for it, but actually the best use you could give to this functions would be overriding object's definition and letting clients do the rest.

 	public class Tupple<TObject> : IEquatable<TObject> 
		where TObject : class 
		private static readonly Func<TObject, int> GetHashCodeMethod = EqualityFunctionsGenerator<TObject> .CreateGetHashCode(); 
		private static readonly Func<TObject, TObject, bool> EqualsMethod = EqualityFunctionsGenerator<TObject> .CreateEqualityComparer(); 

		public override bool Equals(object obj) 
			return Equals(obj as TObject); 

		public override int GetHashCode() 
			var @this = ((object)this) as TObject; 
			if (@this == null) return 0 ; 
			return GetHashCodeMethod(@this); 

		public bool Equals(TObject other) 
			var @this = ((object)this) as TObject ; 
			if (other == null || @this == null) return false ; 
			return EqualsMethod(@this, other); 
Code Excerpt 8: Implementation of Tupple.

Extending tupple would make all work.

 	public class CategoryProductsKey : Tupple<CategoryProductsKey>
		public virtual int ProductId { get; set; }
		public virtual int CategoryId { get; set; }
Code Excerpt 9: Wow! That was easy.

Just missing the whole implementation for the functions generator, here it is:

	public class EqualityFunctionsGenerator<TObject>
		public static readonly Type TypeOfTObject = typeof(TObject);
		public static readonly Type TypeOfBool = typeof(bool);
		public static readonly MethodInfo MethodEquals = typeof(object).GetMethod("Equals", 
			BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
		public static readonly MethodInfo MethodGetHashCode = typeof(object).GetMethod("GetHashCode",
			BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

		public static Func<TObject, TObject, bool> CreateEqualityComparer()
			var x = Expression.Parameter(TypeOfTObject, "x");
			var y = Expression.Parameter(TypeOfTObject, "y");
			var result = (Expression)Expression.Constant(true, TypeOfBool);

			foreach (var property in GetProperties())
				var comparison = CreatePropertyComparison(property, x, y);
				result = Expression.AndAlso(result, comparison);

			return Expression.Lambda<Func<TObject, TObject, bool>>(result, x, y).Compile();

		private static Expression CreatePropertyComparison(PropertyInfo property, Expression x, Expression y)
			var type = property.PropertyType;

			var propertyOfX = GetPropertyValue(x, property);
			var propertyOfY = GetPropertyValue(y, property);

			return (type.IsValueType)? CreateValueTypeComparison(propertyOfX, propertyOfY) 
				:CreateReferenceTypeComparison(propertyOfX, propertyOfY);

		private static Expression GetPropertyValue(Expression obj, PropertyInfo property)
			return Expression.Property(obj, property);

		private static Expression CreateReferenceTypeComparison(Expression x, Expression y)
			return Expression.Call(MethodEquals, x, y);

		private static Expression CreateValueTypeComparison(Expression x, Expression y)
			return Expression.Equal(x, y);

		public static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetProperties()
			return TypeOfTObject.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);

		public static Func<TObject, int> CreateGetHashCode()
			var obj = Expression.Parameter(TypeOfTObject, "obj");
			var result = (Expression)Expression.Constant(0);

			foreach (var property in GetProperties())
				var hash = CreatePropertyGetHashCode(obj, property);
				result = Expression.ExclusiveOr(result, hash);

			return Expression.Lambda<Func<TObject, int>(result, obj).Compile();

		private static Expression CreatePropertyGetHashCode(Expression obj, PropertyInfo property)
			var type = property.PropertyType;

			var propertyOfObj = GetPropertyValue(obj, property);

			return type.IsValueType ? CreateValueTypeGetHashCode(propertyOfObj) 
				: CreateReferenceTypeGetHashCode(propertyOfObj);

		private static Expression CreateReferenceTypeGetHashCode(Expression value)
			return Expression.Condition(
				Expression.Equal(Expression.Constant(null), value),
				Expression.Call(value, MethodGetHashCode));

		private static Expression CreateValueTypeGetHashCode(Expression value)
			return Expression.Call(value, MethodGetHashCode);

		private static Expression CheckForNull(Expression value)
			return Expression.Condition(
				Expression.Equal(Expression.Constant(null), value),
Code Excerpt 10: Equality functions generator


What is it good for if it is slow? I ran some performance test, results were not as good as I expected, but they were good enough. Test were run on a 1 CPU/1GB VirtualBox virtual machine, over a Phenom II x6 1055T 2.46Ghz. 2 tupple types were created to perform the tests upon, an automatic and a manually implemented. Performance is shown along with equivalent test over int, Point and a manually implemented tupple.

 	public class AutomaticCompositeKey : Tupple<AutomaticCompositeKey> 
		public string KeyField1 { get; set; } 
		public int KeyField2 { get; set; } 
		public int KeyField3 { get; set; } 

	public class ImplementedCompositeKey
		public string KeyField1 { get; set; } 
		public int KeyField2 { get; set; } 
		public int KeyField3 { get; set; } 

		public override int GetHashCode {...}
		public override bool Equals(object x) {...}
Code Excerpt 11: Tupple made for testing

Equals Test Results

Test 10M Cases 100M Cases 1G Cases
ints equality test 0 0.04 1.747
Point equality using == operator 0.01 0.1 1.398
Point equality using Equals 0.08 0.671 11.236
Manually implemented tupple 0.06 0.491 18.448
Automatic tupple 0.19 1.122 33.076

GetHashCode Test Results

Test 10M Cases 100M Cases 1G Cases
Point 0.01 0.05 0.496 
Manually implemented tupple   0.09 0.831 9.136
Automatic tupple 0.23 1.402 15.03 

Some additional cases were run over the automatic tupple to determine executions per second. An excel with a linear regression to determine following values is also available.

Function Million Times per second
Equals 85.4
GetHashCode 67.53


Every time I found a repetitive task I try to make automatic. Reflection, Emit and now Linq.Expressions are amazingly helpful for doing so. This small package is part of a library I'm finishing these days. Hope you'd find this useful.

Useful links

推荐.NET配套的通用数据层ORM框架:CYQ.Data 通用数据层框架