IT Technology Blog

IT technology blog, featuring the essence for you to read the article, is to learn IT technology blog first choice

Delegates internals

I was just digging inside the delegates, action and anonymous delegates via lambda expression. I started to ask a few curious questions to myself and thus set

Collections for WPF and NHibernate

The "CoreHelpers" project includes a OneToManyAssocSync helper class that makes it easy to maintain in-memory the semantics of a one-to-many bidirectional assoc

Custom Binding with INotifyPropertyChanged Interface

In this post, I would like to show a simple example of using the INotifyPropertyChanged interface for binding custom object properties to WinForms controls.Acco

AJAX based CRUD tables using ASP.NET MVC 3 and jTable jQuery plug-in

When we are developing a 'data manipulation page', we almost always do the same thing: A 'table/grid' that is used to 'show records' of a table in a database, a

Self Contained Assembly

To see please download the extract and run.You will see a form with button , click button chose the color and click ok. The form color will change to

How does it work in C#? - Part 1

In C#, there many features such as var to declare variable, implement the properties automatically and many more which makes life of a programmer easier. On the

WCF Data Services

WCF technology provides several types of services sharing the same underlying infrastructure and we can choose the appropriate service type based on our needs:I

Writing Your First Domain Specific Language, Part 1 of 2

And that's all there is to it, really. Of course, once you introduce variables, branch and conditional statements etcetera, you would probably want to look into

Parallel Loops with .NET Framework 4

Parallel computing draws a lot of attention these days because of the amazing pace in which multi-core computers has become widely available for industrial and

Test Driven Development (TDD) Step by Step Part 1: Introduction

“TDD is an evolutionary approach to development which combines test-first development where you write a test before you write just enough production code to ful

Through Parameter Object Add AJAX Request Parameter

Automatic Parameter Some events of the control will automatically add some parameters, such as the Repeater's FillAsync will add pageindex, pagesize to represen

Improving Entity Framework Query Performance Using Graph-Based Querying

Introduction:Microsoft ADO.Net Entity Framework (EF) has some limitations in querying complex data models which result in sub-optimal performance and code compl

SQL SERVER – Tips from the SQL Joes 2 Pros Development Series – Overridding Identity Fields – Tricks and Tips of Identity Fields – Day 9 of 35

For students new to the database world, it helps to begin thinking about ID fields in the context of larger organizations with lots of activity. A customer serv

Logging NHibernate queries with parameters

NHibernate lets you log the SQL statements it constructs using log4net. I’m not going to explain how to do it, because it is already well explained. It gives yo

Inversion of Control/Dependency Injection with Repository Pattern, Fluent Nhibernate and LightCore Framework

This article assumes that you are at least proficient in .NET 3.5/4.0 Frameworks, ASP.NET, C#, Object Oriented programming and some patterns. In addition you'll

Encrypt Your Web.config, Please

Encrypting normally involves logging onto the server in question, locating a few mildly obscure pieces of information, and then running aspnet_regiis. It’s not

Creating a Progress Cursor

What Does it (try) to Solve End users tend to have the impression to be waiting longer on a process with no progress visualization, then a process with progress

Build a Silverlight 2 Web Chat Application

Silverlight 2 is finally out, and I'm thinking the best way to learn it is to build a small web application using this wonderful technology. And, that's exactly

An Introduction to SSIS Balanced Data Distributor Transformation Component

Microsoft has released a new SSIS 2008 transform component called SSIS Balanced Data Distributor(BDD) on 6/7/2011. This component accepts a single input and alm

What’s wrong with Persian culture in .Net?

.Net provides enhanced globalization features mostly based on its implementation of Culture concepts. Programmers may use various aspects of these features to d