Not too long ago, I encountered a small problem that occurred to one of the developers in my team when he got a new computer.
Before he got the new PC, whenever he clicked on "Start Debugging" (also known as F5), the solution compiled and opened a new browser window with the default page.

After the new PC arrived, the configurations in his Visual Studio 2010 were different. Meaning - Whenever he clicked F5, the project was compiling, but no browser windows appeared.

With a short phone call, I explained the steps he needs to do. In order for it to be clear for all of us, I decided to upload it as a brief post.

  1. Right click on the project's name.
  2. Click on "Properties".
  3. A configuration manager window will open.
  4. Click on the third tab called "Web".
  5. On that tab, you will have several sections, the first is what we're interested in.
  6. on "Start Action" section (the first one), you will see many options:
    1. Current Page - Will open the page you're at
    2. Specific Page - Will open a specific page
    3. Start external program - Will run a specific ".exe" file
    4. Start URL - Will allow you to choose URL to open
    5. Don't open a page. Wait for a request from an external application - Kinda explains itself.

Good luck, and thanks to Noam from our Bulgaria office.

Lead Developer at Sports Betting Tech

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