
Common Language Specification (CLS) is a set of basic rules and it is expected that a .NET language must satisfy them. Though C# is probably the biggest language in .NET Framework, it supports many non-CLS-compliant codes mainly to support and maintain the legacy language nativity. Writing C# programs by using only CLS-compliant code gives great portability among other .NET programs written in other .NET languages. This article tries to list non CLS-compliant codes in C#.

Using the Code

Given below are some samples for non-CLS compliant code:

  1. Two or more public / protected / protected internal members defined with only case difference:
    public int intA = 0;
    public int INTA = 2;
    public int x = 0;
    public void X()
  2. Declaring a member name preceding underscore (_) with outside visible access specifiers (public, protected, protected internal):
    public void _test()
  3. Declaring unsigned type member with access public / protected / protected internal:
    public uint a = 10;
  4. Declaring unsafe (pointer) type with access public / protected / protected internal:
    protected internal unsafe int *c;
  5. A (public / protected / protected internal) method returning a non-CLS compliant type or with parameter of non-CLS compliant type:
    public uint testmethod(int x, int y)
    public void anothermethod(ushort x, int y)
  6. An abstract member marked as non-CLS-Compliant in a CLS-Compliant class:
    public abstract class B
    protected internal abstract void test();

All the code listed above is not CLS-compliant and one should avoid this type of coding to ensure CLS-Compliant code. Many of the CLS are followed by C# and the above list mentioned some of them are not pursued by C#.

There is an attribute, called CLSCompliant, to check whether our code written is CLS-compliant or not. By giving CLSCompliant attribute with true parameter, we can get a warning message for all non CLS-Compliant code.

using System;
[assembly: CLSCompliant(true)]
public class Test
public static int a = 10;

public int intA = 0;
public int INTA = 2;

public int x = 0;
public void X()
protected uint testmethod(int x, int y)
return 0;

[assembly: CLSCompliant(true)] means the CLS-Compliant is enabled to the assembly. After setting this, the compiler will check all code in the assembly for CLS-Compliant and if we want any class or method to not check for CLS-Compliant, we can give false for that member alone.

using System;
[assembly: CLSCompliant(true)]
public class clsA
public unsafe int* x;

public class clsB
public unsafe int* x;

public class clsC
public unsafe int* x;

The clsA class will not be checked by the compiler for CLS-Compliant, but the compiler will do for clsB and clsC.

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