
  In this tutorial we will try to discuss the basic transformation in directX ,we will discuss only the world transform because it’s the simplest transform, but honestly I should say it’s complicated subject , specially if you tried to understand the underlying concepts of transformation then you will be lost in pure math problems.
So, I will not discuss the mathematic concepts of vectors and matrices (because I don’t understand it myself!) but we learn how to use them for transformation.


  This tutorial is continuation of my previous tutorial “starting directx using visual basic” so I assume you already  understand how to create a directx device.  

Draw a square 

“Download incomplete_project and start working on it”
Firstly we will draw a square before transforming it , declare this variable in your class:

Dim buffer As VertexBuffer 

  In creat_vertxbuffer Sub write:  

Sub creat_vertxbuffer()
        buffer = New VertexBuffer(GetType(CustomVertex.PositionColored), 4, device, _   
        Usage.None, CustomVertex.PositionColored.Format, Pool.Managed)
        Dim ver(3) As CustomVertex.PositionColored
        ver(0) = New CustomVertex.PositionColored(-0.5F, -0.5F, 0, Color.Red.ToArgb)
        ver(1) = New CustomVertex.PositionColored(-0.5F, 0.5F, 0, Color.Green.ToArgb)
        ver(2) = New CustomVertex.PositionColored(0.5F, -0.5F, 0, Color.Blue.ToArgb)
        ver(3) = New CustomVertex.PositionColored(0.5F, 0.5F, 0, Color.Yellow.ToArgb)
        buffer.SetData(ver, 0, LockFlags.None)
        'the next line is not important it's for performance:
End Sub 

Here we used PositionColored type in our vertices unlike the previous tutorial where we used TransformedColored type , because we want to apply transform on it, also we used 4 vertices to draw a square.
But the question is : according to what I determine the position of my vertices? I think you wondered about this position data. what this (0.5) and (-0.5) ? and you could say : in the previous tutorial the matter is clear we drew directly according to the screen coordinate ( 0,0 point in the upper left corner) , but that is exactly the difference !, we don’t draw according to screen coordinate , we draw according to Viewport coordinate.


  The view port is a rectangle where directx project (not draw) the scenes, you can consider the view port as window open into scenes, see below:  


So the max X value in viewport is 1 and the minimum is -1 the same as Y, but what about the 3rd dimension Z? Where is it?! And what its min max values?.
To know the positive direction of Z axis in direct3d we use left hand rule:
If your left hand point toward positive direction of X axis and your fingers point toward positive direction of Y axis then the positive direction of Z axis is the direction of your thump. As in picture:

And the min max value of Z is determined by you :

Viewport.MinZ() as single
Viewport.MaxZ() as single 

But the default values is MinZ =0 and MaxZ=1 ,any value outside this range will be clipped (and this another subject!) but we will ignore the Z axis completely in this tutorial for simplification purpose.
We can set viewport for the device using:

device.Viewport = ourViewport

Moreover, we can use more than one view port in our scenes; for now we will use the default view port which in the size of screen.
Another important thing the viewport dimension does not change with screen dimension or width height ratio of screen , mean that it does not matter your form is oblong or square , and in any case the (-1,-1)point in the lower left corner and (1,1) point in the upper right corner of your viewport.

The main loop

I think after above explanation you have imagined the position of the square, but you want to see not imagine! , OK, a few more code and you can see what we have done. Unlike previous tutorial we need here a main loop because we have to call drawing routine repeatly, so we put it all in a loop as here:

        Do While Me.Created
        'end the program immediatly to avoid any (null reference)error!       

Application.DoEvents is very important procedure in this infinite loop , it lets the program to process all system messages and return to the loop , if you did not use it your program will not response to any message (closing for Example) .
Put the above code block in LoadForm Event.
and write draw_me Sub:

    Sub draw_me()
        device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, Color.Black, 0, 0)
        device.VertexFormat = CustomVertex.PositionColored.Format
        device.SetStreamSource(0, buffer, 0)       
        device.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 0, 2)
    End Sub

Slightly different from previous tutorial because we used TriangleStrip in primitive type , don’t worry I will explain , hit now F5 and see the result .

A beautiful colorful square!

So what is TriangleStripe? The TriangleStripe method form a triangle from the last three vertices, if you want 2 triangles you should use 4 vertices as we did, and for 3 triangles use 5 vertices: 

Triangle1(ver1,ver2,ver3),triangle2(ver2,ver3,ver4),triangle3 (ver3,ver4,ver5)… 
When Ver = vertex

In other word the triangle use the last side of previous triangle, resulting in shared side in any consecutive triangles.
In better practice you should put a timer in your loop, but for now we write it without timer to be simple.
But where is the transformation? We have learned how to draw squares and triangles from previous tutorial and want now to move it around. Don’t worry we will learn how to do so , but firstly you should know the primary tool of transformation , Matrix.
Note: if you don’t interested in theories skip these following sections and go ahead to (Practical) section. 


The source of panic for any beginner of graphics and 3D programming, and it’s really hard to understand. Most of tutorials in internet doesn’t explain the concepts of matrix and (specially) matrix multiplication , they says : this matrix, and this how to use it, and don’t ask any questions!. And I will not be an exception!.
As we know matrix is a rectangular layout of number in a form of rows and columns, an m x n matrix is a matrix have m rows and n columns, the element of matrix named by the number of its row and the number of its column, for example A2,3 means the element of A matrix In the second row and 3rd column.


In above A matrix: A1,1 =2 , A3,1 =12 , A2,3 = 54 .
In 3D transformation we use 4X4 matrix to represent the system coordinates and we call it transformation matrix , if we want to transform our scenes we should multiply each vertices by transformation matrix, also we can transform our matrix by another matrix which result in cooperation effect.
In other word if you multiply matrix that rotate around X axis by a matrix that rotate around Y axis the result is a matrix that rotate around X axis then around y axis , if you invert the operation the result is a matrix that rotate around Y axis then around X axis , because matrix multiplication is not commutative.
But how matrix multiplication is don, in practice you don’t need to know how to multiply matrix manually you can simply use (*) operator to do so (only in managed directx) or you can use Matrix. Multiply () function which is a shared Sub in Matrix class , but if you resolved to understanding how to multiply matrix you can search through the net or content by brief description below .
If A , B are matrices then A X B is valid only if the number of columns in A = the number of rows in B, the resulting matrix has number of rows of A and the number of columns of B.
The resulting matrix calculated by multiplication each row in A by each column in B (better to say multiply matrix A by each column vector in B ) as in picture below: 


As in the picture the result of multiply row 1 by column 2 is a number and it stored in element1,2 in result matrix , guess which the element bear the result of row 3 * column 4?.
And here how we multiply row by column:

Didn’t understand? No problem as I said above you don’t need to understand matrix multiplication because you can do it simply by * operator!, A*B = result.
Returning to our subject, how to use this matrix in transformation, firstly we should know how to represent the world coordinate in a matrix

This 4x4 matrix which used in transformation:
X oblong represent the vector of X axis which normally is (1, 0, 0)
Y oblong represent the vector of y axis which normally is (0, 1, 0)
Z oblong represent the vector of Z axis which normally is (0, 0, 1)
And G oblong represent the origin point which normally is (0, 0, 0)
The W oblong doesn’t useful in world transformation.
If we applied these values in an 4x4 matrix:

This matrix called identity matrix because it’s identical to the coordinate system, means that any vertex or matrix transformed by this matrix will not change.
You may wonder how we can multiply 3 elements vector by this 4x4 matrix?!, if you want to multiply it manually you have to use 4 elements vector (x,y,z,1), but if you used directx transformation(it’s the best) you don’t need to worry about this.


The simplest transform in which we change the origin point only:
As you see, to build a translation matrix you only change the point of origin like this:

Replace (x, y, z) by your translation offset values.
To do it by code, declare MatWorld as Matrix in your form class:

  Dim MatWorld As Matrix

In sub transform write this: 

   Sub transform()
        ' make MatWorld identity matrix:
        MatWorld = Matrix.Identity
        'set the number in row 4 , column 1:
        MatWorld.M41 = 0.5
        'set the number in row 4 , column 2:
        MatWorld.M42 = 0.5
        'assign MatWorld as world transformation matrix:
        device.Transform.World = MatWorld
    End Sub

Before hitting F5 can you imagine the result?, as you notice we changed only the values we want (M41,M42) and leave the rest as the identity matrix . the previous code build the following matrix:
 1    0    0    0
 0    1    0    0
 0    0    1    0
0.5  0.5  0    1
And directx will transform each vertex by this world Matrix.


To build a scaling matrix you should determine firstly which axises you want to scale , here we will scale both in y and x axises:

to do so by code, rewrite transform sub as this:


    Sub transform()
        ' make MatWorld identity matrix:
        MatWorld = Matrix.Identity
        'set the number in row 1 , column 1:
        MatWorld.M11 = 0.5
        'set the number in row 2 , column 2:
        MatWorld.M22 = 0.5
        'assign MatWorld as world transformation matrix:
        device.Transform.World = MatWorld
    End Sub  

Because our square is big we scaled it to half, press F5.


Rotation is more complicated than previous transform (specially in 3D), as I mentioned earlier we will ignore the Z axis , so our rotation should be around Z axis to avoid any change in Z values. To build a rotation matrix around Z axis by angle θ:

To do so by code, rewrite transform sub as following:

   Sub transform()
        ' make MatWorld identity matrix:
        MatWorld = Matrix.Identity
        'set the number in row 1 , column 1 and column 2:
        MatWorld.M11 = Math.Cos(Math.PI / 4) : MatWorld.M12 = Math.Sin(Math.PI / 4)
        'set the number in row 2 , column 1 and column 2:
        MatWorld.M21 = -Math.Sin(Math.PI / 4) : MatWorld.M22 = Math.Cos(Math.PI / 4)
        'assign MatWorld as world transformation matrix:
        device.Transform.World = MatWorld
    End Sub  

This code build a matrix that rotate around z axis by 45 degree, this is the matrix we have built:
Cos(π/4)     sin(π /4)     0    0
-sin(π/4)    cos(π/4)      0    0     
    0                0          1    0  
    0                0          0    1 


If you didn’t understand previous sections (or didn’t read it at all) no problem, because we usually use matrix functions that comes with direct3D to build transform matrices, here how to build a rotation matrix: 

   Sub transform()
        ' make MatWorld identity matrix:
        MatWorld = Matrix.Identity
        'make MatWorld as rotation matrix:
        MatWorld.RotateZ(Math.PI / 4)
        'or you can use the alternative :
        ' MatWorld = Matrix.RotationZ(Math.PI/4)
        'assign MatWorld as world transformation matrix:
        device.Transform.World = MatWorld
    End Sub

Very easy!
You can use other matrix functions:


      'for translation :
        'for scaling :
        'for rotation around other axises:

Q & A

Q: how I can rotate an object around its self away from origin point?
A: best practice is to draw your objects in origin point rotate them and then translate them to their positions, like this example:

    'declare this in your form class:
     Dim matrix2 As Matrix   
    Sub transform()
        'make MatWorld as rotation matrix:
        MatWorld.RotateZ(Math.PI / 4)
        'make matrix2 as translation matrix:
        matrix2.Translate(0.5, 0.5, 0)
        'multiply MatWorld by matrix2:
        MatWorld = MatWorld * matrix2
        'assign MatWorld as world transformation matrix:
        device.Transform.World = MatWorld
    End Sub

Q: what will happen if I wrote matrix2 * MatWorld instead?
A: Matworld * matrix2 means rotate then translate, but matrix2* MatWorld means translate then rotate.
Q: I want my square keep rotation each frame , how I can do so?
A: you must keep rotating your matrix each frame!, like this:

    'first make MatWorld identity matrix in the declaration:
    Dim MatWorld As Matrix = Matrix.Identity
    Sub transform()
        'rotate MatWorld by a rotation matrix:
        MatWorld = MatWorld * Matrix.RotationZ(0.01)
        'make matrix2 as translation matrix:
        matrix2.Translate(0.5, 0.5, 0)
        device.Transform.World = MatWorld * matrix2
    End Sub

Or you can change your angle each time.
Q: is it important to make the matrix identity matrix before any operation?
A: No, but when you declare a new matrix then its all elements are zero, if you multiply the new by any other matrix the result is zero matrix also, so we make it identity before any operation, but if you use Matrix.rotate (for example) this function build a rotation matrix not rotate the matrix, so you don’t need to make it identity before use this function.
Q: I want to draw several objects and apply different transformation to each object, how i can do so?
A: take this example:
First delete transform sub , and apply transformation inside draw_me:

   'declare these in form class
    Dim matrix1 As Matrix = Matrix.Identity
    Dim matrix2 As Matrix = Matrix.Identity
    Dim matrix3 As Matrix = Matrix.Identity

   Sub draw_me()
        device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, Color.Black, 0, 0)
        device.VertexFormat = CustomVertex.PositionColored.Format
        device.SetStreamSource(0, buffer, 0)
        'rotate matrix2 and matrix3 by different rotation matrices:
        matrix2 = matrix2 * Matrix.RotationZ(0.01)
        matrix3 = matrix3 * Matrix.RotationZ(-0.01)
        'make matrix1 a translation matrix:
        matrix1 = Matrix.Translation(0.3, 0.3, 0)
        'rotate then translate:
        device.Transform.World = matrix2 * matrix1 
        'draw the first square:
        device.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 0, 2)
        'make matrix1 as translation matrix but in different direction this time:
        matrix1.Translate(-0.3, -0.3, 0) 
        'rotate then translate:
        device.Transform.World = matrix3 * matrix1 
        'draw the second square:
        device.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 0, 2)
    End Sub 

Q: why you ignored the 3rd dimension ? I can make all this work using GDI!.
A: OK , I have said we ignored 3rd dimension for simplification purpose but there is another reason, as you know there is no real 3D in directx because the final picture which rendered in the screen is 2D , in order to simulate this 3D effect we adjust the projection matrix


you should adjust this projection matrix to project the distal objects small and the proximal objects larg to simulate the real eye viewing to real world, but I think its enough for you to know the basics of transformation , and may in future I can explain to you the other types of transformation.


I hope I have written something useful.
Sorry for my bad English!.
I usually use Google translate in writing but I have no internet connection for several days ago so I used a mobile dictionary which was horrible!.
The world transform is simplest transform and there is view and projection transform which is more complicated and no beginner care to understand them, if some people are interested I can write another tutorial to explain how to use these transforms.


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