
UdpPeer is simple control which provides the most functionality for the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). UdpPeer control simplifies the dealing with UDP in Windows applications using declarative manner.


UDP is a protocol that works in session layer, it helps us to send the data. Although it's unreliable, but it provides two major functionalities - Multicast and Broadcast.

For network programmers who did many applications - I'm one of them - .NET provides a set of APIs in System.NET namespace to help us in doing this stuff!! Moreover, we spend a lot of tedious code for sending data using UDP.

This is a sample code that uses UDP:

Dim client As New UdpClient()
client.Connect("", 1000)
Dim data() As Byte = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello UdpPeer Control!!")
client.Send(data, data.Length)

Dim thread As New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf Receive))

Sub Receive()
    Dim server As New UdpClient(1000)
    Dim iep As IPEndPoint = Nothing
    While True
        Dim data() As Byte = server.Receive(iep)
    End While
End Sub

As we saw before, much of the code is just sending & receiving data. That code made me bored because whenever I wrote a network program, I did that?!!

So, I 'll encourage you to use UdpPeer control to save your time whenever you write any kind of network programs that need UDP programming. The code underneath is the same program which I wrote it before, but this time using UdpPeer control.

Using the Code

UdpPeer1.Send("Hello UdpPeer Control!!")
Private Sub UdpPeer1_DataArrival(ByVal sender As Object, _
	ByVal e As UdpEventArgs) Handles UdpPeer1.DataArrival
End Sub

Wow!! What a nice code. Easier... cleaner all of this with few lines of code.
There's no magic beyond that, almost all things are declarative.

UdpPeer Members

  • IPAddress is an IP for the UDP Peer.
  • Port is an a port for the UDP Peer.
  • Type is UDP Peer type (Client/Server).
  • Start is a method which starts listening for incoming messages in the receiver, and binds the IPAddress & Port in the sender.
  • Send is a method that accepts the string which you want to send.
  • DataArrival is an event that occurs whenever a data comes from the sender, and the actual data is stored in e.Message, which is a property for the UdpEventArgs.

Points of Interest

  • Simplifies dealing with UDP in a way that has never been seen before
  • Building the components in .NET is much easier as I think


  • UdpPeer Control version 1.0 which contains the basic functionality to UDP including sending & receiving data (Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast)
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